
control company 【經濟學】控股公司。

control dam

For gradually connecting with the internatinal , the company successfully passed national importand export goods inspection controlling company quality attestation centeriso9001 : 2000 internationa quality system attestation last year , and introduced the key equipment manufactured by shang dong office of national mechanical department . the company has eatablished totally enclosed anti - interference equipment and factory building , replaced vacuum baker and oil filter , and realized full function supervision and management 為逐步接軌國際市場,我公司順利通過中國質量認證中心iso9001 : 2000國際質量體系認證,并引進高科技設備,憑著豐富的生產經驗,為用戶設計制造非標特殊型號規格的高壓產品。

This article describes the implication , approaches ( establish direct conduit companies , stepping stone conduit companies and low - dividend controlling companies ) and dangers of abusing international tax agreement . it distinguished the abuse of international tax agreement from the general avoiding tax ways . it posted abusing international taxation brought about many negative infections on international economy and chinese economy 本文通過介紹濫用稅收協定的含義,常用方式(建立直接導管公司、腳踏石公司及直接利用雙邊關系設置低股權控股公司)及其危害,使濫用稅收協定的國際避稅方法從一般的國際避稅方法當中區別開來,揭示了濫用稅收協定給世界經濟進而給我國經濟帶來的種種負面影響。

Accompanied with the theoretical exploration , empirical studies are also conducted in the dissertation , which are in the form of case study . the analyzed cases include the xzots company ; qianchao group ' s craft change ; eastcom strategic alliance ; zhejiang university control company ; knowledge management of hangzhou alcatel so on . the conclusion of above case studies has satisfyingly supported the theoretical discussion 本論文的研究基于案例研究的方法,在前面的理論探討過程中,先后解剖了西子奧的斯電梯升級換代、錢潮集團立窯到回轉窯的轉變、東方通信的戰略聯盟、浙大中控jx系列產品的更新和研發,杭州阿爾卡特的知識管理情況,給出了關于技術能力提升的實踐論證,也較好地支持了本文的理論探索。

For the first , the author explains the concepts of listed companies and associated enterprises , both of which are behavioral parties of transfer pricing and the latter are the best partners to the former in such pricing action . for the second , the essence of transfer pricing is posted by two models that the terminal object is to transfer profits to share - controlling companies both in “ pay out ” transfer pricing and “ take in ” transfer pricing , and the influence is also analyzed . in the end , the necessity of transfer pricing is expatiated as well as listed companies ’ pricing purposes and pricing strategies 首先對上市公司、關聯企業的內涵進行了描述,二者是轉移定價的行為主體,關聯企業是上市公司進行轉移定價的最佳合作者;其次通過兩個模型揭示了轉移定價的本質,無論付出型還是索取型的轉移定價,最終都是向控股關聯方轉移利潤,并分析了轉移定價帶來的影響;最后結合上市公司轉移定價的目的和定價策略,闡述了上市公司利用轉移定價進行稅務籌劃的必要性。

To strengthen the control on pesticides , the department had proposed a revamped scheme to register pesticides on a product approach and a new licensing system for pest control companies and other pesticide users . during the consultation process , the proposals had the general support of the public and the trade 為加強管制除害劑,本署建議修改除害劑注冊制度,改以產品為本,并向滅蟲公司及其他除害劑使用者施行新發牌機制。建議在諮詢過程中得到公眾及業界的廣泛支持,并收集到很多有建設性的意見,本署會根據這些意見修訂有關建議。

In china , - swaps of debt to equity “ is adhered to policy . that is , the state ' s financial department raised the money and registered the company to control the capital , and then the bank took the harmful loans away from enterprise ' s loans , and then changed them into equity . the capital controlling company became the shareholder then it could realize the interests over the owners of enterprise 我國的“債轉股”是一種政策性的“債轉股” ,是指由國家財政部全額出資注冊組建金融資產管理公司、銀行將對企業貸款形成的不良債權剝離給資產管理公司,然后轉為股權,由資產管理公司作為股東,行使對企業出資人的權利。

There are conflicts and contradiction between “ swaps of debt to equity “ and law of company , law of guaranty , law of bond and so on . we can only exterminate those conflicts , perfect related laws , regulations and establish a better juristic environment , then we can turn debt into equity , successfully avoid risk and achieve settled aim . i think , “ swaps of debt to equity “ may be achieved from six aspects : first , affirming the position of capital - controlling company “債轉股”與現行的《商業銀行法》 、 《公司法》 、 《擔保法》 、 《合同法》 、 《證券法》等法律、法規都存在著一些矛盾和沖突,只有不斷化解這些矛盾,完善相關的法律、法規,創造一個良好的法律環境, “債轉股”才能順利實施,并成功化解風險、達到預期的目的。

To combine these experiences with the present situation in the stock market of our country , some measures should be taken to improve the stock market in our country by actively innovating its system in terms of the following aspects : to set up the financial share - control company to explore the multi - management ; to improve the share - right structure with the standards of the modern stock company ; to improve the measures of the administrative structure in the stock market of our country ; to practise the flatized innovation of he organizational system 總結國外投資銀行的發展經驗,再結合我國證券公司的發展現狀,我們應該在以八碩士學位論文nl6ter ’ stffesis下方面使我國證券公司的制度得到進一步完善,并積極進行制度創新:通過設盡立金融控股公司進行混業經營的探索,以現代股份制公司的標準完善證券公司的股權結構,完善我國證券公司治理結構的措施,實行組織制度的扁平化創新g

Theory frame of consolidated accounting statements : foundation of consolidated accounting statements ; combination method , origination way and equity structure ; non - controlling interest , position of minority shareholder of controlled company ; compiling method of consolidated accounting statements ; method chosen in accounting practice of consolidated accounting statements . some problems should be noticed during establishing consolidated accounting statements standard : attitude for pooling - of - interests method ; attitude for entity theory ; norm for accounting practice of consolidated accounting statements 結合第二章合并會計報表理論框架的分析,筆者認為在討論制定我國合并報表具體會計準則時,應格外關注以下問題:應關注聯營法,考慮其適用性;應關注實體理論,可考慮采取以實體理論為主的作法:應考慮到企業集團業務的發展趨勢,力求對各種具體業務問題作出明確的指南。

With legal protection for the group enterprises , the maximum beneficiary are the controlling companies and their majority stockholders because the natural superiority of the controlling companies over the dependent ones creates most easily the chances to harm the rights and interests of the latter 法律對企業集團的保護,最大的收益者是控制公司和公司中的多數股東,控制公司對從屬公司的這種天然優勢,極易造成控制公司侵害從屬公司權益的機會。

So the shareholder was on an obvious sticky wicket in controlling company and decision - making . the shareholders can make the right decision only when they get sufficient , impersonal and exact . consequently the shareholders ’ rights and profits can be protected authentically and sufficiently 為保護股東權利,增強投資者信心,世界各國的公司立法都賦予股東知悉公司經營狀況的權利,并隨著對股東權益的日益關注而不斷擴大這一權利的范圍。

This thesis analyses the evidence of the insider - control problem in the state controlled companies . by using the contract theory and information economics , the forming reason of the insider control has been analyzed , and finally some countermeasures had been be proposed by the author 本文具體分析了國有上市公司內部人控制問題的表現,并借助契約理論和信息經濟學詳細分析了內部人控制問題的形成原因和解決這一問題的兩種對策。

The results show that : ( 1 ) the ownership structure is negatively related to enterprise performance in state controlled companies , is not significantly related in corporate owned companies , and is positively related in companies whose ownership is relatively dispersal 分析結果認為: ( 1 )國有控股型公司與其績效呈顯著負相關;法人控股型公司與其績效不存在顯著的相關關系;而股權相對分散的公司與其績效呈顯著的正相關。

The pests - controlling company will eliminate the mosquitoes , black beetles , mouse , white ants and flies in the public place of the district in the afternoon of november 6th , 13 th and 27 th , 2006 管理公司定于2006年11月6日、 13日、 27日安排殺蟲公司在全區內公共地方進行滅鼠、滅蚊、滅蟑螂、滅白蟻、滅蒼蠅工作。因藥物的毒性較高,屆時請各住戶管束好兒童的戶外活動,不要隨便觸摸、執拾地面物品,以免中毒危險。

Three former staff of a pest control company contracted by the food and environmental hygiene department had been charged for allegedly defrauding the government over the wages paid to workers and blackmailing the latter by demanding from them part of their wages 廉政公署落案起訴三名食物環境衛生署滅蟲承辦商的前職員,控告他們涉嫌就支付予工人的工資詐騙政府,并向有關工人勒索部分工資。

A who entomologist was invited to hong kong in november 2002 to advise on dengue fever preventive and control measures , and provide training for local health professionals , government departments and pest control companies 有一位世界?生組織的昆蟲學專家在二零零二年十一月應邀來港,就預防及控制登革熱的措施提供建議,并為本地醫療專業人員、有關的政府部門和防治蟲鼠公司提供培訓。

Two supervisors of a cleaning and pest control company had been arrested for allegedly demanding bribes from workers for continuous employment , and defrauding the food and environment hygiene department over the wages paid to workers 廉政公署拘捕兩名清潔滅蟲公司管工,懷疑他們向工人索取賄款以繼續聘用他們,及詐騙食物環境生署,訛稱向有關工人支付合約訂明的工資。

There are some private pest control companies which are prepared to provide such bird control services . building management agencies , incorporated owners , individuals or organisations may obtain the services of such companies if necessary 本港有一些私人防治蟲鼠公司樂意提供防治野鴿服務。大廈管理處、業主立案法團、個人或團體如有需要可向這些公司尋求該等服務。

It should be , therefore , noticed that the existing system and regime governing traditional companies are not suitable for the group enterprises controlled by controlling companies . and the corresponding rules and regulations should be set up 必須認識到,由控制公司所控制的企業集團,將不適應傳統的企業管理體系和秩序,應當有與其運作機制相適應的法律規則。